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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Communication is key

Hi friends

Everyone knows what it's like to have disagreements with loved ones. Conflicts are natural in a relationship. I have heard that they are essential for a healthy relationship. Hmmm...

Most of us can probably identify with a loved ones habits or mannerisms that dont quite work for us and perhaps may leave us feeling like its always the same issues we fight about.

Well talk it out. And thats not always easy but its worth it. I have experienced how at times a loved one says or does something and I interpret it in a certain way. It turns to hurt then hurt gives way to anger. And it's easy for friction to accelerate in that scenario.

But after talking about it and the person in question breaks it down, a lot of the times I find I made many wrong assumptions. Or because I was feeling hurt and a bit vulnerable I escalated it to something more than it was. Thats what talking usually helps me with.

And ladies if we are honest, we want our loved ones to "get it". You know, where we are coming from,what we think or how we are feeling. A lot of the times I'll think or feel something but wont say it for fear of sounding petty or being rejected. Yet I want the other person to get it.

I have found that when I do not articulate what I want or need, there is a high probability I may not get it. On the other hand, when I do say what I need or feel, I am immediately more relaxed. And usually conflicts then dont arise or escalate.

But hang on. Communication also involves listening. Do you make your loved ones feel they can really confide in you? Do you encourage them to approach you with their needs and feelings? Do you actually make the effort to meet them half way or sometimes even go all the way in a "labor of love"?

Just food for thought. Appreciate your loved ones and enjoy their friendship/love

Yours Truly